
Welcome to matei repair blog! I like to fix things, start projects, learn about computers/ the world, and talk about all of these things. This is a side extension of my portfolio, mateijordache.info, that is also relevant to my business venture, matei repair lab.

I initially tried to write articles on projects I was working on, and then to link those short articles with the listings that I had on my portfolio website. As I get to adding more projects, I notice that there are some problems with this model. Mostly, it is adding fluff to the otherwise streamlined portfolio that I have set up on that domain, and additionally, it is not easy to know where to find those projects, and as I add more, it will become more difficult. Since I enjoy writing about those things, I figured that a blog would be the best format for capturing some scrap ideas, project development, and discussion on repair philosophy that otherwise doesn’t really belong on my main website. I do hope that this garners more interest and is a more engaging and interactive way for me to discuss projects and ideas with people. I am still learning WordPress, so there will probably be some issues or broken-ness at first, but it should be ironed out fairly quickly.